This venture is such an experience of feeling treasured, of remembering how loving entities have upheld and blessed me for so many wondrous years. I am full of thanksgivings.
Many people are asking me how I am doing with this leg of the journey. I have finally found work
that is calling to me… work that will allow me to merge my loves of ministry, counseling, and education… and work that will pay me a fair wage. Can you feel that? This has been in the making for years… for years!!! I trust with my whole heart that this is the next most loving step to take in this mysterious life.
It isn’t taking on the face that I thought it would, but it is right… I feel that from deep within. And I
am praying daily to greet this new vocation with grace, wisdom, and fervent compassion. I pray to be an
instrument of God’s peace and unwavering love.
To do this, however, I must leave my home and relocate to a new place. My home has been my solace
these many years. It gathered my daughter and me when we were broken and soul-sore.
It offered us refuge. It fed us life! It comforted and encouraged and allowed both of us to grow into amazing women. Shrouded in the green of woods, peace has always been a presencehere. I could feel it the moment
my feet touched the ground. I could hear it in the sound of the wind in the trees.
God led us here, and we have been healed and kissed by goodness time and again.
Now, this place is in me.
All that it had to offer has become the health of my cells, the well-being of my mind, and the joy of my spirit. I had to live here just long enough to absorb the gifts, the teachings, the abundance… so that I can take it with me to my next home.
I am making space today… just like nature is opening up to the changing season. The light hangsdifferently. The air has calmed to crispness. The surging of color is beginning to pump up through the tree veins and soon will magically watercolor the greens to reds and gold.
I am letting go…yet holding close everything.
I am trusting the next season just like the trees.
I want you to know how thankful I am that you have walked with me these many miles and that you have prayed for me. Don’t you see how all of these improbable moments enable the soaring of spirits and the grace of patience?
Isn’t it lovely to grasp the depth of being fully present to each other and to the moving of God’s hand in all that occurs? It would be hard to prove that prayer and presence and our loving Divine Source enable life to continue… but it is fact that every trial and tribulation, every stumbling block and disappointment, every tear fall and lack of understanding… did not deter me from arriving here. I am here because there is goodness at every turn, there is strength in true friendship, and God never abandons us to be less than who we are called to be.
There are sure to be days of bitter sweetness as I bid farewell to this home and land I have loved.
But I am releasing it all back into the hands of the One who led me here. I hold it out as an offering to the next dear soul or souls who need it at this time in their lives. The backdoor is open, and so is my heart.
Thanks be to God.