Today, in the midst of weights pushing my shoulders to my knees, I am happy. Nothing has changed as far as the burdens. There will be funerals. There is the financial conundrum. There are struggles my loved ones face. I am still unraveling who I am and how to share who I am like a foreign bird in a new wood. I have dreams that I have no idea how to paint or mold or spackle for that matter. I have been living with a deep discontent, and it's bound to show up again tomorrow. But Today, ahh, my friends. Today said, "Girlfriend! Just let those nuisances be! Get out in the sunlight and let me look at you. And you can look at me, too. See how the mountains that simply were not there this morning, rose up out of that fog? You can, too, girl. You can, too! Why just yesterday I was telling Meandering Creek that the two of you have so much in common. You don't know where you are headed, but you are moving, you are flowing, your are listening and following the banks that guide you. It's gonna be okay, you know? Yes, you know. Why you had sense enough to come alive today, didn't you? You let yourself be free, and my, sweet child, that is so good for your soul. Your fabulous soul just wants you to be alive enough to stand in the midst of all this crazy, broken, painful life and let happiness show up anyway. You know where it is tucked. You just have to relax enough to remember the path. I am so glad you found it today. I am so glad that you put your face towards life and let it kiss your sweet cheeks. You don't have to solve it all, mend it all, turn it all into some glorious piece of art. You just have to show up, and let your soul have her way with you. Just because the bastards say, 'Stay in the lines and only paint with grey,' doesn't mean your yellow splashes have to hide. There's enough sorrow, and you've mastered the art of working that clay. So, dive into the adventure pulsing at the edges. Everyone who tosses water on your fire is actually yearning for you to rise up out of the ashes with flowers in your hair. It's all there. We see it. Soul and Creek and I see it. So, you come. You come, too! There's room enough for it all."
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Kathy Guisewite"To be about there Archives
April 2021
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