Also prior to work, I spoke with my mother about the tiny calico kitten I met this past week-end. She took up her wild residence under Mom and Dad’s back porch. She and I became friends over the course of three days. And I loved her that quickly, too. Today she would leave the safety of that porch to seek love in other places with other people, and I felt happy and sad.
At work, the story that I want to tell you but cannot tell you, broke my heart. People carry such pain, pain many of us cannot fathom. Today, I was a witness to such.
And by the close of the work day, another story came to my door and heart… an ongoing story of loss and lostness and what it is to bravely seek the loving parts in the midst.
To shake off some of the heaviness after work, I had a visit with my two girls… one human, one canine. There was love from both of them… steady and faithful and sweet.
From there I had a visit with my three girlfriends… one we carry in our arms, one happy to ride her bike on a bright summer day, and one who sees the visions with me. We visited the garden. We fingered the stitching of the quilt. We soothed the baby. We planned our next visit.
My dinner was lentils over rice with a yogurt and mango sauce. And it tasted so flavorful and good. Every mouthful stirred a prayer of thanks.
And lastly before I must rest my body for the day, I took it to walk. We looked at the sky and listened to the birds calling to each other. We watched the kids go down the street on their skateboards, and the dogs walk their owners. And we prayed hard for the stories lingering close that cannot be uttered this night.
Take nothing for granted.
Take care of those you love and those most in need of love.
Take notice of what is meant to heal you and allow it to do so.
Take care of those you love and those most in need of love.
Take nothing for granted.
May all beings wild and small and wounded, happy and healthy and whole find peace this night.
Find peace this night.
May peace be found this night to turn us round toward the light.