I am so happy as I finger these covers and pages that have healed me and taught me and affirmed me over decades of living. As the four shelves of the bookcase begin to name themselves, I laugh out loud as the books know where they want to go and beside whom they want to rest! As well I am laughing because these books certainly do name me. Who am I? Well, look at my bookcase and you’ll get a pretty good picture!! Spirit. Art. Poetry. Mystical wanderings. Prayer. Nature. Whimsy. Soul.
What has stopped me in my tracks, however, is an encounter with a 40 year old book. I was twelve when my school librarian gave this to me as a gift. I worked alongside of her that year as a volunteer, and I remember being happy that I could help her and be with books at the same time. How did she know that this was the book for me? What did she see in me that pulled her to say, “This is the gift that has Kathy’s name on it?” Or did I read this book from our library and mention to her how much I loved it, and from that she bought me a copy? I don’t remember. But what is so stirring is that it feels like I have been following a graciously Divine path all these
many years.
parents were trailblazers! Not only did they insure Karen’s appropriate therapies, but they helped to open windows and doors for so many others embracing life with cerebral palsy. According to internet news, Karen is now 70 and is a receptionist at a retreat center in New York.
A few weeks ago at work, I sat before students who shared their gifts and talents with a very engaged audience. Each student had me smiling as they held out their offerings, but one dear child absolutely had me in tears. She was a senior this year, ready to take flight, and what she shared was this: Though she sees differently than you
and I, and though her arms and legs move in ways we have not known… she shared her gift song by way of sign language. Yes. Let that sink in for a moment. A beautiful young woman with cerebral palsy and vision concerns stood before us all and most graciously signed a song in ways that we could hear it and see it and feel it.
And later this week, I’ll journey to the home of a family who’s blessed 18 month old is loving life in the midst of her own cerebral palsy and vision concerns. And we shall love as Karen’s mother loved, and we shall advocate as Karen’s mother advocated. And we shall witness the holy goodness of life that comes in many forms.
Forty years ago, a teacher gave me a book…