What you see here is a life poured full with love and kindness,
with heartbreak
and the brokenness fused back together
by God’s grace and mercy.
What you see here is hope rising up
and dreams still awaiting their births.
What you see here is longing and melancholy
for what is yearned for in this world of hurting people.
What you see here is strength, tenderness, and courage...
all encouraging the
truest self, the purest essence to step forward
unapologetic of the imperfections
and past insecurities, while also
extending forgiveness to harsh self-judgements.
What you see here is a woman coming into her own
skin, body, wisdom, and spirit.
The embers are unabashedly hot.
Let the party begin.
Kathy Fuller Guisewite
December 20, 2020