He was lost for five days. He was lost for five nights. And over the course of the week, the search evolved. I heard that every branch of the military was represented. I understand that the National Guard, the American Red Cross, state troopers, and the National Organization for Missing Children all showed up. Then there are the stories of the volunteers, your average citizen, who took this to heart, and wanted to help. Yesterday, it was reported that 6,000 people wore the badge of honor labeled ‘volunteer.’
And yesterday, Robert was found. He was alive, was taken to the hospital, and there he was reunited with his family. Local news crews were jubilant. Phones began to ring from household to household and people filled with emotion couldn’t wait to share the amazing news that this child had been found. Candlelight vigils had been taking place all week, praying for his safe return, and last night there was to be one more to celebrate the gift of Robert and the miracle of his return.
There is a Biblical story about the Good Shepherd. In this story, the Shepherd has a flock of 100 sheep. At some point, he realizes there are only 99. He easily could have said, “Ah, well, what’s one lamb.” But this is not his thinking at all, and he leaves the 99 to search for the one. The parable goes on to say that there is great rejoicing and celebrating when the one is found.
There is also a beautiful passage of scripture found in Isaiah chapter 11. It would be good for all of us to read it and see what it might mean to each of us, but these particular words are buzzing in my mind today. “In that day the wolf and the lamb will lie down together, and the leopard and the goats will be at peace. Calves and fat cattle will be safe among the lions, and a little child shall lead them all.” (Isaiah 11: 6)
We all wanted to find Robert. But what actually happened is that he found us. He led us to what Spirit yearns for in this human creation… selflessness, compassion, unity, grace, and love. Let’s remember this. Let’s continue the search by standing together, by staying our focus on what truly matters, and by living our own quest as children who are cherished, deeply cherished, by a Spirit that is never lost to us.
Today as the rain falls down, as the snow lights gently in places colder than this… may we find our boots, may we light a candle and quietly may we tend the kindling that Robert laid for us, and carry on.